The Cleanables assures a Safe Environment
Our specially trained team keeps the security needs of the institution in mind. They arrive in full uniforms, carrying proper ID at all times which makes identification easy. On-site, management is encouraged to keep in touch with our team so they are always aware of their location.
Our Cleaning Products are Environmentally friendly
The Cleanables services not only clean the surfaces in your financial institution but also cleans the air your customers and staff breathe. The Cleanables four-filter HEPA vacuums capture dust and fine particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter, creating a fresher atmosphere for your facility.
The Cleanables safely disinfect and deodorize.
Thanks to the ENVIROSHIELD® system, it’s easy for The Cleanables to disinfect surfaces and deodorize your facility. ENVIROSHIELD® uses a safe and eco-friendly disinfectant to eliminate 99.99% of bacteria on contact and is used on any surface practically.
Bathrooms are so clean you could eat off the floor!
The Cleanables restroom cleaning encompasses a detailed, thorough approach to bathroom cleaning. We pay special attention to areas where bacteria pose the highest risk, including faucet handles, push plates, towel dispensers, and flush handles.
Our commitment to health and the environment is reflected in our commercial cleaning services.
Our cleaning services include:
- Cleaning and disinfecting restrooms and removing waste
- Cleaning and disinfecting the computer systems, including high touch areas like ATMs, keyboards, door handles, elevator buttons, telephones, light switches, etc.
- Vacuum all carpeted areas
- Mop and disinfect all hard floors
- In-depth cleaning of elevators, reception area, break room, lockers, and entrances.
*We use microfiber cleaning cloths and mop pads. These are proven to trap higher rates of dirt, dust, and germs than other traditional materials.