Airbnb Cleaning - The Cleanables

5 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service for Your Airbnb

Although short-term Airbnb rentals have become a fixture in the travel and hospitality industry, managing a successful business requires commitment and hard work, especially when you’re running several properties at one time. As with most successful businesses, delegating or outsourcing certain jobs is necessary to ensure your Airbnb runs smoothly and everything gets done promptly.

Cleaning a short-term rental unit before and after each guest on top of marketing your Airbnb, answering queries from potential guests, and growing your rental business can undoubtedly get your hands full. Hiring a professional cleaning service you can count on will give you peace of mind knowing that professionals are handling the cleaning aspects of your business.

Apart from that, here are some of the other benefits of hiring professional cleaners for your Airbnb:

1. Minimizes Your Workload and Streamlines Your Operation

Owning multiple properties on an ongoing basis can be both time-consuming and taxing on your body. To save yourself from these hassles, hire a professional cleaning service to help handle some of the workload. By hiring a cleaning service, you can ensure that your Airbnb units are kept in pristine condition for your guests, and you can spend your time growing your business instead.

2. Ensures That Your Airbnb Is Well-Kept and Protects Your Future Bookings

Aside from your reputation, you have the reputation of your Airbnb to think about as well. A professional cleaning team will handle the tasks you cannot do yourself and give your Airbnb property the attention it needs.

3. Protects You and Your Property from Potential Liability

If your Airbnb is not cleaned by someone who knows the property and the best practices for cleaning, there is a potential for property damage. Professional cleaners are trained on how to clean and maintain the Airbnb property in a manner that protects your property from damage that can be costly to repair.

4. Improves Your Airbnb’s Performance

By hiring a cleaning service, you can ensure that your Airbnb is up to your standards in terms of cleanliness. By focusing on keeping your Airbnb tidy, you can improve your Airbnb’s performance and keep your guests happy enough to book it again in the future.

5. Helps Increase Your Reviews

It’s not just guests who have a say in whether your Airbnb earns or loses money, but future guests as well. If you’re not willing to spend a little to keep your Airbnb clean and well-maintained, then you may find yourself with negative reviews on your listing.


As you can see, there are many reasons to hire professional cleaners for your Airbnb. You can’t do everything yourself, so why not outsource the work to the experts? The money spent for hiring a professional cleaning service for your Airbnb is an investment that will result in long-term benefits. Hire a professional Airbnb cleaning service today and take advantage of the many benefits!

That said, if you’re running an Airbnb and would prefer to outsource your cleaning needs, be sure to choose a  professional cleaning service with an extensive background in cleaning short-term rentals. There are plenty of cleaning companies out there that claim to be able to clean such spaces. Hiring a company that understands the unique challenges of setting up and running a short-term rental can ensure that your property is cleaned to your standards and is kept clean throughout each guest’s stay.

The Cleanables offers professional cleaning services in Jersey City that are tailored to our clients’ specific needs.